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Gift Aid

The church like everyone else is not exempt from the cost of living crisis. Though we cannot benefit from any of the schemes being rolled out our energy costs will see similar increases to those being experienced by households. BUT there is a way in which our members and subscribers can help (and it won’t cost anything to do it). There can be very few individuals who do not pay INCOME TAX in some form (even those who are no longer in work will see deductions from their pensions and/or savings). The Government through HMRC EXPECTS churches and charities to claim this back – it is their way of supporting the institutions.


We are already a month into the new Tax Year (2022/23) and the task of compiling year end GIFT AID data is here. Many of the congregation (and those who joined us by watching the live Stream) were very generous during lockdown, and since, with regular monthly donations direct to the parish Bank Account. Analysis reveals that almost 76% of those amounts were, or are, being Gift Aided and similarly of the £66,000 received via the Contactless Collection Plates (installed in March 2021) 36% of that figure has also been Gift Aided. There does, however, remain the Sunday by Sunday cash from collections on which (unless given through the weekly envelope scheme) we are unable to claim back tax.


If you are unsure if you have a GIFT AID DECLARATION in place there is no harm in completing a new one (which would have the added benefit of updating our records with your current contact information). The declaration can be backdated up to FOUR years (ie to the Tax Year which began on 6th April 2019) and so any donations you have made since that date – which we can identify – would be eligible for a claim.


It is – almost – money for nothing! Complete a simple form which can be DOWNLOADED HERE (and send it back to the Parish Office by Email – or bring along to church – mark the envelope Parish Office/Gift Aid) and hey presto your contribution increases by 25% and St James’s can claim this from HMRC. No amount is too small. If you have paid Tax on the equivalent of the gift we can claim it back. £5 per week becomes £6.25 and £10 rises to £12.50.

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