
Image by Nick Fewings ©Unsplash
Order of Malta
A lay religious order of the Catholic Church since 1113, the Order of Malta is active in 120 countries caring for people in need through its medical, social and humanitarian works.
Day-to-day, its broad spectrum of social projects provides a constant support for forgotten or excluded members of society. Here at St. James's, the Companions of the Order of Malta, composed of a large team of volunteers, use our Social Centre to provide a safe space, support, food and advice to the homeless.
When: Monday and Thursday evenings
Point of Contact: Kate Mackenzie
Society of St Vincent de Paul
Founded in 1844, The Society of St Vincent de Paul is an international voluntary organization in the Catholic Church, with a particular emphasis on service to the poor.
St James's SVP group meets twice a week to pick up and distribute food to those in need in the vicinity of Lincolns Inn Fields.
When: Tuesday and Friday evenings
Point of Contact: Sharon Joseph

Image by Josh Applegate ©Unsplash
Legion of Mary
This is a parish based Catholic Society that assist the Church in outreach work, including visiting the elderly, sick and housebound
When: Tuesday at 6.30 pm in the Rectory
Point of Contact: Mark Carter

Image by Wallace Collection ©2013
St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School,
London W1U 4DF
Tel: 020 3146 0743
email: office@stvincentsprimary.org.uk
Voluntary State Aided Catholic Primary School with outstanding Ofsted Reports.
Important reminder
(If you go into hospital it is essential that you indicate that details – or those of your relatives – are passed to the Roman Catholic Chaplain, stating that you or your relative would like a Chaplain to visit)
Hospitals within St James parish include:
University College Westmoreland Street
London Clinic King Edward V11 Hospital for Officers
(Click links to telephone)
Please note there are nominated chaplains for all hospitals, but the Rector is always happy to visit (within reason) a parishioner should this be requested.
Funerals / Weddings
Initial enquiries should be made in the first instance to
The Parish Office.